Rohingya Vision TV is an online media outlet that covers the latest news from Rakhine State in the Rohingya and Burmese languages, as well as English and Arabic.
21-year-old Tahmina Sharmin is a news anchor in charge of Rohingya- and Burmese-language programs. She reports on the Rohingya’s treatment by the Myanmar government. “They are doing genocide. They are doing ethnic cleansing on us anyhow. My heart totally breaks when I see this,” she says.
Sharmin herself is a Rohingya refugee from Rakhine State. She fled to Malaysia 3 years ago, when her life was threatened. Her sisters still live in her hometown. She calls them often and is worried about their situation. “She’s asking about what is our future, what we have to do now. I miss my family, plus this worrying make me sleepless sometimes,” Sharmin says after talking on the phone with one of her sisters.
Rohingya Vision TV was founded 5 years ago. Most of the staff are Rohingya Muslims. Media officials say the Rohingya situation has not been reported accurately because information in Myanmar is tightly controlled. “Rohingya Vision was established to send a message to the world about Rohingya’s real situation. Our vision comes here — underground — to battle that misinformation, to give a real, true sense of information,” says Chief Executive Officer Muhanmed Noor.