Muhammad Noor is a leading Rohingya Visionary and Activist Founder of Rohingya Project, Rohingya Vision, Rohingya Unicode and Rohingya Football Club

IRC Events – Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Center to Speak at the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Universities Summit 2021

Professor Haruko Satoh, Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Centre will speak at the Times Higher Education Asia Universities Summit 2021. Haruko Satoh will speak on a panel titled: “Can an international outlook in higher education help to reduce geopolitical tensions? What are the limits to closer global ties?”


Universities must look beyond borders in order to share and grow knowledge to support human progress. While the advantages of internationalisation are generally accepted, and widely evidenced through joint university research projects and transnational education, cultural differences or political challenges can be impediments. How can universities overcome such obstacles to reap the reciprocal advantages of international exchange?Haruko Satoh

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